Leslye Davidson, a teacher at Edison Elementary in Alameda has some wonderful thoughts about my elementary school assemblies.
Leslye Davidson – I thought this was one of the best assemblies we’ve ever had. I have to admit, that when I read what was coming, I was very skeptical. I didn’t feel you could have a “drawing” assembly. How could you focus the kids in such a large group?
But…. Kyle was great! He had very good management skills both to engage the group and to get attention. (This is a real skill; many assembly performers don’t know how to manage a large group.) Everyone was engaged in the drawing process. We use the ****** drawing program in our class and Kyle used a similar approach. I draw/you draw. The great thing about it was that no one could fail. The kids loved their drawings (we colored them later.)
It was nice to have such a participatory assembly. So often (too often) we are just a passive audience. We see singers, dancers, jugglers, puppeteers. Sometimes people bring animals, but again we just watch. This was a lot of fun and the kids DID something. I highly recommend this assembly.