Jack London Elementary School (up in Antioch) teachers comment on Kyle Tiernan’s how to draw elementary school assemblies…
Gail Kean – My class and I thoroughly enjoyed your school assembly. It gave me and the kids new confidence to try to draw. The children were all engaged and enjoying their creations. You had terrific crowd control skills. My students were eager to finish their drawings in the classroom and to make more drawings. It really brought out their creativity.
Terri Hamilton – That was one of the best assemblies I have attended, and I’ve seen quite a few in my 22 years of teaching! Kyle, you are a natural speaker. I loved how you kept the students engaged; I’m even going to try a few of your strategies in my classroom. I was a little nervous at first about your assembly. I have a few “active” students in my class, and I wasn’t sure how they would behave, but you put my anxieties to rest. Not only did you keep all my students interested, but all 300 students at the assembly were watching your every move. You are amazing! Thank you for the wonderful experience.
Helen Burke – We had a great time at the assembly today. I teach a Kindergarten-First Grade combination class at Jack London. I was so impressed with how well the kids were able to follow you. Even my kids that are low in the fine motor skills department were able to come up with a very cool set of drawings. I especially liked the way your encouraged their participation by having them repeat after you and draw with their hands and arms first.
They couldn’t wait to come back and color and make backgrounds for their pictures. I’m teaching them about animals from the woods next week and I will be sure to use your techniques with the overhead. I think they will really enjoy it.
Marlein Jeans – Your assembly was fabulous! It is the first assembly I have attended where all the students were engaged. Your pacing and direction were “right on” for this young audience of kindergarteners and 1st graders. My students were so motivated to draw that we returned to our classroom and they continued working on their illustrations. Even my reluctant young illustrators were eager to draw. Amazing!!!
You are natural teacher. Your presentation flowed very well and the stories you used were age appropriate. You had all the students engaged!
Sarah Odegaard – Dear Kyle, thank you so much for coming to our school and doing a Draw Along Assembly for us! My 5th Graders totally enjoyed it and came back to the classroom wanting to do more drawing on their Submarine Drawings. You had great crowd control and the students received actual art instruction that they don’t have a chance to receive in the schools anymore. A great show, a great lesson and a big thank you for your talents!
Phelicia Lang – My class (including me, the teacher) was so motivated and excited during and after your presentation today. You were so easy to follow and we loved your engagement strategies. Your presence was a reminder of how much art is needed and missed in our schools. My students shared with pride their drawings including one who doesn’t feel he draws very well.