My name is Kyle Tiernan and since 2004, my draw along elementary school assemblies have become the go-to solution for California schools and PTAs looking for the most educational and entertaining and interactive assembly programs for their students.

However, as of 2016, my awesome art school assemblies are now available in Kansas and Missouri, too!

This assembly is dramatically different than any your school has had before – guaranteed. You see…

Teachers, Principals, and parents love how the kids actively participate during this assembly instead of just sitting and watching.  They are blown away by the visual results they see immediately at the end of the shows, proof classroom time has been wisely used for educational purposes.

And most importantly they appreciate the unmatched boost to their student’s self confidence this unique assembly brings.

Kyle Tiernan helps elementary schools and PTA's provide quality arts education for their kids during his school assemblies.

Kyle Tiernan helps elementary schools and PTA’s provide quality arts education for their kids during his school assemblies.

Here’s How This Interactive
Draw Along Art Assembly Works…

Your kids arrive to the MP Room, cafeteria, or auditorium with a pencil, 3 sheets of blank white paper, and a book or binder to use as a lap desk as they sit on the floor.  Yes, even the Kindergarteners!

(Long before your assembly date, you’ll get a complete simple logistical formula to make this work without a hiccup — as it has for thousands of K-6 schools before.  It will work for yours, too.)

Using these supplies, your students are going to be kinesthetically involved the entire time and this active participation is key to making the information really stick!

Also because of this involvement, your teachers are going to be able to peacefully participate during the assembly as well instead of policing the crowd as they have to in every other typical assembly.

I’ll be up front using a document projector and large screen, leading your children through a series of three step-by-step whimsical, fun, age and grade appropriate drawing lessons.

This approach allows me to work with any size group, and rest assured… I’ll be using some mega-effective group teaching strategies to insure everyone will be able to successfully complete the drawings!

While we’re drawing your children will learn dozens of specific tips, tricks and techniques they apply immediately to their drawings and can take back to the classroom and use later on.

In fact, each lesson covers at least 8 and often 10-14 Kansas Visual Arts Standards and even a few… Common Core Math Standards!

We cover a LOT of content in this assembly – and teachers routinely praise the extensive use of geometric shapes, 3D forms and other math vocabulary during the shows.  They say it gives the kids a new cross-curricular perspective of how math and geometry relate to The Arts. (After all, art is an extension of math and science!)

The real magic of this assembly is seen afterwards when your kids go home, with a handful of three refrigerator-ready pictures they drew and a feeling of artistic accomplishment in their smiles as they show n’ tell their moms and dads…

“Look What I Drew Today!”

Giving your children that sense of artistic accomplishment, pride, and self esteem boost is what this school assembly is really all about.

You can imagine how much parents appreciate this.  Their kids finally come home from school with not only a story to tell, but pictures to prove it from an incredible assembly.

Here Are The Details You’ll Need to Set Up This
Awesome Assembly For Your School

  • Each assembly lasts 48-minutes and your school can schedule up to three shows in one day.  Most schools only need two assemblies, but if you have a huge population of over 1000 kids, the third show is available at no extra cost.  (This 3rd assembly is also a great choice for schools with PM Kindergarteners.)

When you call, let me know how large your school is and we’ll discuss whether two or three presentations would work best for your situation.

2015-2016 CAVEAT:  Since 2013, I’ve been contractually obligated to another Arts education venture and am unable to perform between the hours of 1:00 and 5:00 pm.  This means, we’ll need to schedule our assemblies first thing in the morning and be done by 12:00 noon in most cases.

  • I can work with any size group.  I’ve done as few as a couple dozen and as many as 1,200 at one time.  200-300 kids per show is pretty routine.
  • The content of each show is designed for specific grades so K-2 is normally grouped into one assembly, with upper grades 3-5/6 in another.  For the three show format we’ll look at K-1, 2-3, 4-6.
  • This assembly is designed for Kindergarten through 6th grade students and is not age or grade appropriate for 7th or 8th grade students.  Children ages 5 – 12 will love and succeed with the assemblies.
  • Your school must have a multipurpose room, gym or other large auditorium equipped with a large projection screen and working sound system.
  • I’ll bring my own ELMO document camera and projector so you don’t need to worry about any “tech stuff.”
  • I’m a red-tape ninja, and a master of paperwork.  Anything your school or district requires, I can take care of, no sweat. I also carry plenty of general aggregate insurance and I’ll make sure we get any insurance stuff your district may need taken care of quickly and completely hassle-free on your part.

2016 Kansas & Missouri Pricing

So listen:  There are a LOT of screw-ball school assemblies out there.

Everyone makes big promises, claims they’re the best thing since sliced bread…and then they show up and it’s a total disaster.  Kids misbehaving the whole time, absolutely atrocious audience control by the presenter, and a glaring lack of educational content.

Your kids deserve better.

If you’ve read the comments about these assemblies or heard about it from a friend, you’ll know my assembly truly delivers on its promises.  However, you’ve never personally experienced the program and that’s why I am willing to take all the risk and will let you try this assembly without a deposit, with nothing due until you’ve experienced the shows.

I don’t require a deposit.  And I won’t even accept the check until after you’ve experienced the shows and have been pleasantly delighted by how attentive, educated and involved your kids were.

And, if you or any of your teachers feel this assembly did not live up to the expectations of this letter you won’t owe me a dime.

That’s the basis I operate on.

The cost is always the same for every school in Kansas and Missouri.

It’s a simple flat fee of $697 total which is good for up to three morning time assemblies. (Most schools only need two shows, but I always offer up to three for schools with huge populations of 1000+ students, or those who have PM Kinders who miss out on everything.)

No deposit. No milage. No extra fees. Nothing due until you’ve experienced the shows.

Just Assemblies

$ 697


Up to three, morning time school assemblies.

With Family Art NightBest Value

$ 897


Up to three morning time assemblies and the Family Art Night, scheduled on the evening of your morning programs.

It’s Easy To Set Up A Set Of Draw-Along School Assemblies
For Your Students This Year…

Simply give me a call at (888) 299-2606 or send over an email to [email protected]

I’ll be happy to answer any remaining questions you might have and we can select a date for an awesome art assembly at your school.


-Kyle Tiernan