A nice letter from Gold Ridge about my elementary school assemblies.
Karen Coset – My students are 1st graders, and I have to say that it was the most engaged I’ve seen them! I really liked how you had a multitude of ways for them to stay with you. They had just the perfect amount of wait time—just enough to accomplish each step, but not long enough to lose focus. When it got too noisy, I loved the 2 fingers and ‘shhhhh’ thing you’d do! The ‘hard work’ mantra and drawing tools quick lessons were awesome!! I wrote down the words to the mantra/pledge because it was so great.
Anyway, I’m going to use your mantra in my classroom every time we do something new or challenging. I think it really empowered them. My little whiner/complainer guy was successful, engaged and thrilled with his finished work! Definitely wanted to tell you that this was the best assembly we’ve had in a long time. You were totally focused on the kids rather than what a great artist you are! I think your assembly program gives kids the tools and confidence to try hard at something that many of them feel unsuccessful doing. My quietest, most self-conscious girl smiled all the way through the assembly and was extremely proud and excited to take her drawings home! Keep up the good work and come back next year! Thanks so much!