Testimonials about California’s hottest Elementary School Assembly (Kyle Tiernan’s Draw-Along Program) from a private school down in San Diego…
Shannon Pennington – My second grade students loved your assembly. They thought you were very cool and what you did was cool. They liked how you taught them that you can turn something as simple as a dot into a character. Also, they liked how you taught them how to make 3-D objects. Finally, they enjoyed the fact that they got to do something fun during your assembly. Thanks for a great time.
Carol May – Thanks so much for the great assembly you presented at our school yesterday. As a second grade teacher I was amazed at what the children were able to draw with your instruction. The drawings are fun and perfect for children to try to replicate. You demonstrate a natural ability with children, and our students were focused and attentive. They never lost interest or got “out of control” as children sometimes do. Thank you for the donation of the bird drawing. It will go on the wall of our school library along with other artists from previous years.
Michelle Deach – I thought the assembly was great! The students had a great time and were really into it. They talked about it all day long. I felt that even those students who are not big artists felt like they accomplished something. I heard no negative moans and groans from any of my students…which some do when it is “art time.” I thought you interacted well with all the kids and kept them involved and entertained. Thanks for a great assembly!
Mary Lou Pennington – Dear Kyle, Thank you for the awesome assembly! Our students said it was one of the best they’ve ever had. So did our teachers, which says a lot. Everything was presented in kid-friendly terms and the interaction between you and the students kept them engaged and excited about what was coming next. It’s the only assembly I can think of where they were actually busy the entire time. No chance to lose their interest.
Not only did they learn some great drawing techniques but some important words, too. Each assembly was adjusted to the appropriate level for the age group. I especially enjoyed the stories that went along with each step of your drawings, the hand motions you had the students do, and the constant encouragement you gave them. It made each one of them feel successful! You definitely know how to relate to children.
Thank you, also, for the drawing. The kids were very excited this afternoon to walk into the library and see it. It will help them to always remember your visit. Good luck to you in your adventures. We hope to see you again soon.