Star View teachers talk about my elementary school assemblies and how much their kids enjoyed them!
Michelle Brown – It gives me great pleasure to recommend Kyle Tiernan as a great assembly presenter. My students enjoyed learning the art basics and then applying them to fun cartoon activities. To tell you the truth, I was a little worried about 200 students and 200 pencils. I was very pleased with Kyle’s presentation and his excellent crowd control. He had the students listening and participating the entire time. My students will be able to use Kyle’s techniques in any of our authentic assessment projects across the curriculum. (By the way, I didn’t see even one pencil fight or have to send any students to the nurse with puncture wounds!)
Linda Axenroth – I teach second grade at Star View School and wanted to let you know how much my kids enjoyed your assembly. The vocabulary you used was great and even got many of them talking later about perception and their own imaginations.
The pace was perfect and having them use their arms and hands really kept them engaged. It was a clever idea to use Bikini Bottom as a visual for them as they could all relate. Thank you again for coming to our school and I plan to use some of the techniques you shared in my own classroom teaching of art.
Kathleen Church – I teach Kindergarten and attended your assembly today. I have to applaud you for the remarkable way you kept 180 Kindergarten and First Grade children riveted to your lesson. You used attention grabbers such as having them recite in unison and having them make the motion in the air. This action helped them visualize what they were doing and allowed movement for kinesthetic learners and wiggly young children.
The lesson broke drawing into discrete, attainable tasks so that every child who followed your directions would have a cool drawing in the end. My students were proud of their work and could see that drawing is a series of steps and not the impossible task they may have thought it was.
I feel that the lesson was very beneficial and that it may have helped some children develop a greater interest in drawing. I like the suggestion of showing their parents how to draw the cartoons to reinforce the learning. Well done.
Jan Van Aken – I really enjoyed the assembly today with you and my third graders! They were attentive the entire time and thrilled with their results. I liked the way you went step by step and never rushed. I also like the terms and tech. with shapes and lines! It really taught them some new ideas. Your sense of humor and participation all went into a terrific show! Thank you, I highly recommend you to other schools! Thank you.
Sandi Lewis – I loved your assembly. I’m a new teacher to this district and never had this kind of assembly before. My students enjoyed it more than any other assembly this year! You had the right pace, had the attention of the entire audience and made them laugh!
Thank you…..don’t change anything!
Jennifer Capata – Your assembly was wonderful. I think all of the children really enjoyed being able to draw and show off their drawing ability. My students are in Kindergarten and because of your outstanding easy to follow directions, they were all able to make their drawing look just like yours. I loved the sayings that went with each direction because that is exactly what young children need to follow along.
The pace was perfect for them. I have never seen all of my students be so interested in an assembly before. Even the students who usually can not sit still for very long were all engaged the entire time. Thank you for giving our school an excellent presentation!
Sandy Wahrenbrock – I was wonderfully surprised at the drawing assembly that you presented at. You had the entire multipurpose room engaged for almost an hour! Every student left feeling that they were successful artists. I must admit that I too (can’t hardly draw a stick figure) felt amazed at the drawings that I produced. It was great fun and a wonderful learning experience. Hope you continue to share your talents with many other school students.